
    Picholine 500ml
    Picholine 2L

    More Organic Olive Oil

    Coratina 250ml

    Coratina 250ml

    The Coratina olive oil is characterized by its rich, green and fruity dominance. The aromas are of green and ripe olives, mustard greens, citrus fruits, green apples and green almonds. While it is very dominant in its flavor, it is also smooth, rich and full in its texture.

    It won best Coratina olive oil for three consecutive years in a row in competitions in Italy and Greece. This year in 2023, it won best Israeli olive oil and was awarded, amongst 650 different olive oil producers, with the Extra Gold medal in the most popular competition for organic and biodynamic olive oils worldwide.

    The Coratina olive oil is sourced from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.****

    High fruit levels, mildly bitter and high spiciness.

    To be used in classic Italian dishes, rich recipes, on grilled fish or in a summer salad.

    Suitable for seasoning, cooking and deep frying.

    Suri Rumi 250ml

    Suri Rumi 250ml

    The Suri Rumi olive oil is produced by the ancient trees surrounding the nature reserve around Tzipori. This is one of the oldest varieties known to the area, coming from 1,400 year old olive trees. It is rich in aromas of green tomatoes, fresh herbs, olive leaves and more.

    Medium levels of bitterness and spiciness.

    To be used in a salad, in hummus, on a cheese platter or in a vegetable stew. Suitable for all types of use other than deep frying.

    Koroneiki 250ml

    Koroneiki 250ml

    These fresh unfiltered oils are the pinnacle of the current harvests. They are untouched and are best used immediately for the best tastes.
    The Koroneiki olive oil is characterized by its strong, green fruitful flavor. Its aroma resembles notes of freshly cut grass, green almonds, freshly harvested herbs, hints of honey and jasmine flowers, finished with a buttery texture and soft flavors of pecan nuts. Carries high levels of vitamin A and oleic acid.

    In 2017 the Rish Lakish Koroneiki Olive Oil won a gold medal in Italy's most significant organic olive oil competition.
    The Koroneiki olive oil comes from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.
    Medium fruit level, subtly bitter and spicy.
    To be used in a leafy green salad, brushed on a pastry or garnished on a bowl of soup.

    Barnea 250ml

    Barnea 250ml

    These fresh unfiltered oils are the pinnacle of the current harvests. They are untouched and are best used immediately for the best tastes.
    The Barnea olive oil is characterized by its striking green and fruitful ripe notes. It carries aromas of ripe green tomatoes, fennel, kohlrabi, sorrel and fresh herbs.
    For every kilogram of olive oil, 300 milligrams of antioxidants.The Barnea olive oil is sourced from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.
    Medium fruit level and mildly bitter and spicy.
    Suitable for various cooking methods whether it be seasoning, baking or cooking.
    Have a spoon in the morning for a healthy start to your day.



    The Barnea olive oil is characterized by its striking green and fruitful ripe notes. It carries aromas of ripe green tomatoes, fennel, kohlrabi, sorrel and fresh herbs.
    For every kilogram of olive oil, 300 milligrams of antioxidants.The Barnea olive oil is sourced from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.
    Medium fruit level and mildly bitter and spicy.
    Suitable for various cooking methods whether it be seasoning, baking or cooking.
    Have a spoon in the morning for a healthy start to your day.

    $18 - $120
    Coratina 100ml

    Coratina 100ml

    A perfect gift sized version of Rish Lakish's popular Koroneiki

    Koroneiki 500ml

    Koroneiki 500ml

    The Koroneiki olive oil is characterized by its strong, green fruitful flavor. Its aroma resembles notes of freshly cut grass, green almonds, freshly harvested herbs, hints of honey and jasmine flowers, finished with a buttery texture and soft flavors of pecan nuts. Carries high levels of vitamin A and oleic acid.

    In 2017 the Rish Lakish Koroneiki Olive Oil won a gold medal in Italy's most significant organic olive oil competition.
    The Koroneiki olive oil comes from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.
    Medium fruit level, subtly bitter and spicy.
    To be used in a leafy green salad, brushed on a pastry or garnished on a bowl of soup.

    Barnea 500ml

    Barnea 500ml

    These fresh unfiltered oils are the pinnacle of the current harvests. They are untouched and are best used immediately for the best tastes.
    The Barnea olive oil is characterized by its striking green and fruitful ripe notes. It carries aromas of ripe green tomatoes, fennel, kohlrabi, sorrel and fresh herbs.
    For every kilogram of olive oil, 300 milligrams of antioxidants.The Barnea olive oil is sourced from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.
    Medium fruit level and mildly bitter and spicy.
    Suitable for various cooking methods whether it be seasoning, baking or cooking.
    Have a spoon in the morning for a healthy start to your day.

    Coratina 500ml

    Coratina 500ml

    The Coratina olive oil is characterized by its rich, green and fruity dominance. The aromas are of green and ripe olives, mustard greens, citrus fruits, green apples and green almonds. While it is very dominant in its flavor, it is also smooth, rich and full in its texture.

    It won best Coratina olive oil for three consecutive years in a row in competitions in Italy and Greece. This year in 2023, it won best Israeli olive oil and was awarded, amongst 650 different olive oil producers, with the Extra Gold medal in the most popular competition for organic and biodynamic olive oils worldwide.

    The Coratina olive oil is sourced from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.****

    High fruit levels, mildly bitter and high spiciness.

    To be used in classic Italian dishes, rich recipes, on grilled fish or in a summer salad.

    Suitable for seasoning, cooking and deep frying.

    Suri Rumi 500ml

    Suri Rumi 500ml

    The Suri Rumi olive oil is produced by the ancient trees surrounding the nature reserve around Tzipori. This is one of the oldest varieties known to the area, coming from 1,400 year old olive trees. It is rich in aromas of green tomatoes, fresh herbs, olive leaves and more.

    Medium levels of bitterness and spiciness.

    To be used in a salad, in hummus, on a cheese platter or in a vegetable stew. Suitable for all types of use other than deep frying.



    The Koroneiki olive oil is characterized by its strong, green fruitful flavor. Its aroma resembles notes of freshly cut grass, green almonds, freshly harvested herbs, hints of honey and jasmine flowers, finished with a buttery texture and soft flavors of pecan nuts. Carries high levels of vitamin A and oleic acid.

    In 2017 the Rish Lakish Koroneiki Olive Oil won a gold medal in Italy's most significant organic olive oil competition.
    The Koroneiki olive oil comes from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.
    Medium fruit level, subtly bitter and spicy.
    To be used in a leafy green salad, brushed on a pastry or garnished on a bowl of soup.

    $9 - $120
    Koroneiki 2L

    Koroneiki 2L

    The Koroneiki olive oil is characterized by its strong, green fruitful flavor. Its aroma resembles notes of freshly cut grass, green almonds, freshly harvested herbs, hints of honey and jasmine flowers, finished with a buttery texture and soft flavors of pecan nuts. Carries high levels of vitamin A and oleic acid.

    In 2017 the Rish Lakish Koroneiki Olive Oil won a gold medal in Italy's most significant organic olive oil competition.
    The Koroneiki olive oil comes from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.
    Medium fruit level, subtly bitter and spicy.
    To be used in a leafy green salad, brushed on a pastry or garnished on a bowl of soup.

    Barnea 2L

    Barnea 2L

    The Barnea olive oil is characterized by its striking green and fruitful ripe notes. It carries aromas of ripe green tomatoes, fennel, kohlrabi, sorrel and fresh herbs.
    For every kilogram of olive oil, 300 milligrams of antioxidants.The Barnea olive oil is sourced from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.
    Medium fruit level and mildly bitter and spicy.
    Suitable for various cooking methods whether it be seasoning, baking or cooking.
    Have a spoon in the morning for a healthy start to your day.

    Suri Romi 2L

    Suri Romi 2L

    Coratina 2L

    Coratina 2L

    The Coratina olive oil is characterized by its rich, green and fruity dominance. The aromas are of green and ripe olives, mustard greens, citrus fruits, green apples and green almonds. While it is very dominant in its flavor, it is also smooth, rich and full in its texture.

    It won best Coratina olive oil for three consecutive years in a row in competitions in Italy and Greece. This year in 2023, it won best Israeli olive oil and was awarded, amongst 650 different olive oil producers, with the Extra Gold medal in the most popular competition for organic and biodynamic olive oils worldwide.

    The Coratina olive oil is sourced from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.****

    High fruit levels, mildly bitter and high spiciness.

    To be used in classic Italian dishes, rich recipes, on grilled fish or in a summer salad.

    Suitable for seasoning, cooking and deep frying.



    The Coratina olive oil is characterized by its rich, green and fruity dominance. The aromas are of green and ripe olives, mustard greens, citrus fruits, green apples and green almonds. While it is very dominant in its flavor, it is also smooth, rich and full in its texture.

    It won best Coratina olive oil for three consecutive years in a row in competitions in Italy and Greece. This year in 2023, it won best Israeli olive oil and was awarded, amongst 650 different olive oil producers, with the Extra Gold medal in the most popular competition for organic and biodynamic olive oils worldwide.

    The Coratina olive oil is sourced from an organic and biodynamic olive grove spread over 20 dunams neighboring Mount Tabor Nature Reserve on the Tzipori hills.****

    High fruit levels, mildly bitter and high spiciness.

    To be used in classic Italian dishes, rich recipes, on grilled fish or in a summer salad.

    Suitable for seasoning, cooking and deep frying.

    $9 - $115
    Suri Romi

    Suri Romi

    The Suri Rumi olive oil is produced by the ancient trees surrounding the nature reserve around Tzipori. This is one of the oldest varieties known to the area, coming from 1,400 year old olive trees. It is rich in aromas of green tomatoes, fresh herbs, olive leaves and more.

    Medium levels of bitterness and spiciness.

    To be used in a salad, in hummus, on a cheese platter or in a vegetable stew. Suitable for all types of use other than deep frying.

    $19 - $145
    Gentle HaYogev Orchard Blend 2L

    Gentle HaYogev Orchard Blend 2L

    Characterized by a fresh and rich green fruitiness, this special blend has aromas typical of green olives, freshly cut grass, almonds, green apple and banana leaf.
    This oil is a blend of the Barnea and a bit of Pishulin varieties.

    Mild in fruitiness,spiciness and bitterness.

    Koroneiki Sde Boker
    Sold Out

    Koroneiki Sde Boker

    $19 - $49
    Gentle HaYogev Orchard Blend

    Gentle HaYogev Orchard Blend

    Characterized by a fresh and rich green fruitiness, this special blend has aromas typical of green olives, freshly cut grass, almonds, green apple and banana leaf.
    This oil is a blend of the Barnea and a bit of Pishulin varieties.

    Mild in fruitiness,spiciness and bitterness.

    $48 - $120
    Picholine 500ml

    Picholine 500ml

    A vibrant and ripe olive from French origin grown near Zipori. A silver medal recognized organic oil and recognized as one of Israeli's fines, it's a multi purpose flavor oil.

    Picholine 2L

    Picholine 2L

    A vibrant and ripe olive from French origin grown near Zipori. A silver medal recognized organic oil and recognized as one of Israeli's fines, it's a multi purpose flavor oil.

    Koroneiki Sde Boker 2L
    Sold Out

    Koroneiki Sde Boker 2L

    Koroneiki Sde Boker 500ml
    Sold Out

    Koroneiki Sde Boker 500ml
